12 of 12
May 2020
12 of 12 used to be a fun community thing back when I’d make friends in blog comments (hey, @CheapBlueGuitar!). It was a photo thing. It was a share your life thing. It was a fun thing.
The thing: a bunch of people all over the world share 12 photographs that they take during their day on the 12th day of the month. We’d post the photos on our websites, or Flickr accounts and share the link on the organizer’s page and then see the lives of strangers in twelve curated images.
Well the organizer no longer keeps a list and the community has faded. There is no official 12 of 12 website or organization…but my friend Kerri said she was going to try to do a 12 of 12 so I thought for old times’ sake I’d capture and share 12 pictures from May 12th.
Here are my 12 of 12 - May 2020:
I actually got up much earlier than this, but I allowed myself to lie in bed and look at my phone. Since sitting in quarantine this endless social media scroll addiction has worsened. BTW - this is my natural light alarm clock. It slowly wakes you with a sunrise light.
My memory is complete shit. I would have likely forgotten to take these 12 photos without writing the reminder. It’s the actual note writing that helps me remember; seeing the note in the morning is the backup reminder.
😶 My glucose levels have been a little wack lately. This number ain’t the highest morning number I’ve seen.
Hot coffee is for the birds. I’ve started drinking iced coffee (black).
I’ve been looking at the Abbey Road Webcam a lot. I have a 3 monitor setup going on over here, and I have the webcam playing on one of them all the time. I’ve been doodling a few of the things I see. This dude ended up losing his glasses and getting some better hair.
I brought this up because I’m getting close to moving a few clippings that I’ve been propagating into some pots.
My friend Miro sent me a few arts & crafts projects that he made. This is a stained glass heart that I have hanging in my window. I also put the bookmark to immediate use.
I broiled some asparagus for my dinner tonight. I’ve started getting produce delivered from Farm Fresh. Next week I’ll be getting a bunch of zucchini so I’m going to start recipe hunting now.
I can almost handstand without any wall assistance. I’ve been attempting to stand on my hands for the last 57 days. I’ve been taking video of the daily attempts and will post some sort of compilation video sometime soon.
I’ve been doing a lot of bodyweight exercise, but I also use this 25 pound plate weight a bit. Before heading out for a walk, I do a little bit of arms and shoulder exercises.
Masked up. I don’t know why, but I like taking selfies in front of this brick wall thats on the walk around my block. 🧀
I read this book in my early 20s and the theme within were at the front of mind as I was solidifying into the Jello mold of adult me. My new pace of life has allowed me to re-read this book with a new perspective. I’m reading it slowly and really savoring the entire thing.
Good night!