Graphic Design * Illustration

last issue


Hey, Friend!

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Hey, friend! I still owe you the final issue of my zine!

Due to a touch of procrastination, writers block, and COVID-19, things on this end are out of whack. The printer and mailing house used to print and distribute my zine is currently not operating. As soon as things are back open, I will be printing and mailing the final issues to you.

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In the meantime, I want to share the story with you that you paid for. While you wait for my printer issues to resolve, there are three different ways that you can get the story from the final issue of the zine.

  1. I’ve recorded an audio version of me speaking the story to you.

  2. The full PDF can be viewed on this webpage or you can download the PDF and print or read on any device.

  3. All 12 issues are now available in a large and fancy compilation on Amazon! The book is a larger version of the mini zines I’ve sent to you. This big 265 page book is a great coffee table book.

I really hope that you are staying safe and healthy. I’m sitting in my small space wishing to connect with others. After you read this last story reach out and let me how you are doing.

With love,

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The Audio Version

The audio version is just under 8 minutes. You can even hit play here and then follow along with the PDF below it.

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The PDF Version

Click “READ NOW” on the cover below to begin reading the PDF version of the final issue. This is the print version of the final story that I will be sending to you soon.

The Compilation

Now available on Amazon! This compilation includes all twelve of the stories from this zine project. This compilation is larger (8.5 x 6) than the original mailed issues. Use the “BUY ON AMAZON” button below to see the book.
